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With One Gift You Make A World of Difference

If you or someone you know has attended a Community Grant program, is a member of a synagogue, has a child in K'Ton Ton Preschool or an elderly family member who attends the Adult Friendship Club or Senior Retreat, or has received scholarship, or other assistance, then you know how important Jewish Federation's Annual Campaign is to our neighborhood and our community.


Every year, through the local Annual Campaign, countless lives are saved, cared for, reached out to and rebuilt. A centuries-old Jewish tradition and values are celebrated and preserved for future generations.


With one gift, you can make a world of difference in many of hte causes that are important to you--all at once. That's the beauty of community-based giving. Wherever the need is the greatest, we can address it because of donations from people like you.

The Jewish Federation of Northwest Indiana

Live Generously. It does a world of good.

Annual Campaign

Your contributions support Jewish Federation's work to provide innovative programs that care for the neediest among us and build Jewish community.

Legacies and Endowments

Talk to our Executive Director Michael Steinberg to find out how you can leave a meaningful legacy.


Always appropriate. A donation to Federation in honor of a loved one for a birthday, b'nai mitzvah, anniversary or memorial to honor someone you love.


Your time spent as a tutor for a needy child, volunteer for a special event, cook for a soup kitchen, or deliver of groceries to a needy family: PRICELESS